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Historical Ghost Sightings, Scary Ghosts Throughout The Ages

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Scary Ghosts Throughout The Ages


Throughout history, imagery attached to ghosts is of shadowy, vaporous figures. Mysterious ghosts and phantoms reportedly haunt graveyards, misted moors, famous hotels, hospitals and prisons and castles. Spirits may possess good or evil auras.
Historical Ghost Sightings
In southeastern Ireland, Wilton Castle stands with only fire-scarred walls remaining. Ravaged by fire in the 1920s, this was the stately home of the prominent Alcock family since the early seventeenth century.
It’s believed several spirits reside within Wilton Castle walls. The strangest story about Wilton Castle is of a neighbor, Archibald Jacob, magistrate and captain of the local militia during the 1798 rebellion of the Irish against Britain.Jacob flogged and tortured many people in the parish. While returning home from a Wilton Castle ball one night in 1836, he was killed when he fell from his horse. For years, his ghost haunted the scene of his death and the castle.According to the story, a Catholic priest was summoned to perform an exorcism. When the priest made the sign of the cross and Archibald Jacob’s ghost appeared in the fireplace and subsequently disappeared in a cloud of smoke.Classic vs. Modern Sightings
Spectral hunting and paranormal research have always been subject to criticism and skepticism. The classic spectral image depends on the era in which the specter emanates. Although white-garbed spirits are the centuries-old popular image, naked spirits have been reported in a well-known Scandinavian story, where a scantily dressed man returns to his village after his death. The Japanese image of specters is clothed and often disheveled and bloody.Locations of Hauntings
The traditional locations of hauntings have been Scotland, Ireland, England and Germany. Hauntings of the early 1600s have also been reported in New England in the USA. The locations of hauntings have been reported in cemeteries and ancient Native American burial grounds. Military battle grounds of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars are reportedly haunted by unrested souls who died in battle.

Cultural Burial Rituals
Certain aboriginal cultures like Eskimos in the Bearing Sea, the Dogon people of West Africa, Siberian Chukchi and Kwearriburra in Queensland, Australia practice burial rituals to ward off the return of the dead who walk the earth restlessly. Within a culture, there are practices that transcend time and afford each culture a specific embodiment of understanding basic natural and spiritual events modern day people accept with skepticism.

Buildings, War and Mysterious Events
Old, empty buildings often evoke images in windows, in attics, basements, across expanses of lawns and lakes. A more recent haunting occurred when a well-known country and western singer purchased a large antebellum mansion in Tennessee. After moving in, she and her family experience paranormal events. After studying the history of the town and mansion, she learned it was located on the site of a Civil War battle.

Unexplained Events
Another unexplained event occurred when Charlie Troxell was murdered in Portage Indiana. His father, Romer, drove from his home in Pennsylvania to view his son’s body in the morgue. Romer Troxell believed he heard his son’s voice directing him to the killer. Local police later confirmed Troxell helped capture his son’s murderer. Unexplained visions shortly before or after a loved one’s death have been reported numerous times.

Halloween, Depictions and Demons
The celebration of Halloween is an annual event that arouses interest in scary demons, witches and specters. Halloween is actually an ancient Celtic harvest festival. It celebrated the bounty of harvest and souls who died.

Among ghostly locations, an historical, ancestral or military cemetery elicits a large number of eerie sightings. Some believe the dead haunt a cemetery to prevent desecration of graves. Native American Indian folklore is strongly attached to cemetery sites. Folklore and legends tend to add emphasis to ethereal beliefs.

Have You Ever Felt a Ghostly Presence?
Ghostly presences often occur during times of heavy emotional stress. Stress can originate from loss of a loved one or when the mind is crowded with confusion. The greater the sense of stress, the more the individual feels isolated from reality. A ghostly presence doesn’t have to appear in shape or form. It can be a feeling of extreme cold or “not being alone.” The phantom of an unresolved issue with a deceased individual is another example of ghostly presence that occurs day or night. It may be a memory jogged by some vague reminder lurking in the back of the mind.

Do Certain Places Scare You?
A dark attic, a lonely road or a vacant old home inspires the deepest sense of solitude. Humans are naturally averse to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Ethereal vibrations occur when humans place themselves in locations where there is emptiness surrounding them. Some believe that attics or vacant old homes evoke spectors of unrested souls who were unable to resolve serious issues before their demise. Dark or empty places conjure thoughts of the past from the sheer curiosity of previous people and events that occurred in these places.

Have You Ever Used a Medium?
A medium is the intermediary between the spiritual world and conscious world. The medium may be a person, place or thing. Fortune tellers, old wells, tea leaves, Tarot cards, crystal balls, prisms, runic stones and I Ching are depictions used.

Consciously, most people know it’s impossible to know the future. In reality, these are implements that heighten meditation skills. Many unconscious questions lie in human minds that affect meditation. These implements are centuries old and became practiced arts among highly sensitive individuals.

We see ghostly spirits because humans are naturally sensitive, intuitive beings. As the most intelligent life form, we seek answers to the unknowable.